Becoming a Member
Why become a member?
Our congregation exists to help people live lives of meaning and purpose. After getting to know us for a while, we hope you will consider becoming a member.
Membership gives you a feeling of belonging, of making a deeper commitment. And by helping to sustain us financially, you gain a sense of ownership. In our democratically-run congregation, the voting members make the ultimate decisions that guide our congregation.
Who can become a member?
Any person who meets the following qualifications may become a general member of the Congregation:
Sixteen years of age or older (youth membership is also available for ages 13-up)
In sympathy with the purposes, goals, and programs of this organization
Has met with the Minister
Has attended a Getting to Know UU orientation class (see below)
Participates in Congregation activities
Makes an annual recorded contribution of financial support
Steps to Becoming a Member
First, sign up at the Welcome Table for the next scheduled Getting to Know UU (Unitarian Universalism) class. This three-hour newcomer orientation is held on a Saturday morning several times a year. You'll get a deep exploration of our history and theology and a comprehensive introduction to the congregation's life.
If you're still interested, a representative of the Membership Committee will help you fill out a membership application form so that your contact information can be entered into our database.
We will schedule a meeting for you with the Minister, so the Minister can get to know you, and you can ask any outstanding questions before you take the final step to membership.
Make a pledge of financial support of the congregation. There is no required minimum - you determine the level of your contribution based on your commitment and ability. A member of the Stewardship Team can help you set up a program of recurring giving (e.g., monthly).
After all these steps are completed, you will be invited to attend a New Member Ceremony during a worship service, where the congregation will publicly recognize you and will sign our membership book. This treasured document records all our members’ names from the date our congregation was founded in 1953. As you add your name to it, you are joined to our history and become part of our bridge to the future. Your membership formally begins on the date you sign the membership book.
Still Have a Question?
We invite you to stop by the Welcome Table before or after any Sunday worship or contact our office.