Upcoming Services
Services in March 2025:
Living Love Through The Practice of: Trust
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
"The Fragility and Resilience of Trust"
March 2nd
Trust is the foundation of relationships, but it is also delicate, easily broken, and difficult to rebuild. How do we navigate the complexities of trust in a world where promises are sometimes broken, institutions falter, and we ourselves fall short?
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Clare Whitfield
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
"Trust, Resilience and Navigating Collective Care for the Future"
March 9th
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." This morning we'll consider, "what is faith -- really?" What does it mean, especially in uncertain times? How might we meet the future grounded in what sustains and heartens us? We'll celebrate what it means to renew trust in ourselves and each other in a tumultuous world. Rev. Dara is delighted to be back at UUCSR to visit!
Order of Service (available the day before service)
Guest Service Leader: Rev Dara Olandt
Worship Associates: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy & Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Forest Unlimited- With over 6,000 redwoods planted this year, Forest Unlimited replenishes our forests and defends them against illegal clear cutting and destruction
"Trusting the Journey: Faith in Unseen Path"
March 16th
Life often takes us down roads we never expected, filled with twists, obstacles, and uncertainty. How do we find courage to keep moving forward when the destination is unclear? The Sermon will reflect on what it means to trust the journey, lean into faith, and embrace the unseen paths before us. Join us as we explore the wisdom, resilience, and grace that guide us through life's unknowns.
Order of Service (available the day before service)
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Cathie Wiese & Maura Ryan-Donahue
Music: John Ray
Pianist: Louise Bettner
The Basket: UUCSR General Fund
Vulnerability and Trust: Opening the Door to Connection
March 23rd
In a world that often values strength and self-reliance, vulnerability can feel like a risk we're unwilling to take. Yet, it is through vulnerability that we open the door to deeper trust, authentic relationships, and true connection. How do we create spaces where we can be seen, heard, and accepted as we are? How do we build the trust that allows us to share our fears, our hopes, and our whole selves?
Order of Service (available the day before service)
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Gage Purdy & Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Ukraine TrustChain- Supports Ukrainian volunteer teams providing urgent food and medical supplies, and safely evacuating over 64,000 people from active war zones.
Joint Service with the Petaluma Congregation: Songs of Resistance and Peace
March 30th
Join us for a powerful and uplifting joint service with the Petaluma congregation as we explore the transformative power of music in justice and peace movements. Through song, reflection, and community, we will celebrate the voices that have inspired change, uplifted spirits, and carried the hope of a better world. Come ready to listen, sing, and be moved!
Order of Service (available the day before service)
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements & Rev Aija Simpson-Newbury
Worship Associates: Gage Purdy
Music: Gage Purdy & Sally Jones
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: VIDAS - Provides competent and compassionate legal immigration advocacy at no or low cost to clients.
Services in February 2025:
Living Love Through The Practice of: Inclusion
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
The Fire of Commitment
February 2nd
Our Chalice is a symbol of Safety for us as UU's. How are your actions like a chalice in the dark? What other places can you shine your light?
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Richard Senghas
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: UUCSR General Fund
How is Our UUCSR Justice Council Working Towards Inclusion?
February 9th
Members of UUCSR Justice Council will be presenting the service.
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements & Members of UUCSR's Justice Council
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Alan Bell
Pianist: Paul Gilger
Share the Basket: Earle Baum Center of the Blind. Educational and recreational classes for the blind and low vision adults and seniors
The Final Frontier VS The Empire Strikes Back
February 16th
We will look at the play of inclusion along with the battle of good Vs Evil. Star Wars was all about the battle of Good Vs Evil. Star Trek was all about the importance of Inclusion. Come prepared to travel to another galaxy and make sure you bring your lightsaber.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Joe Gabaeff
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: LIME Foundation- seeks to harness each individual’s potential by providing vital skills for the construction trades, in music, the performing arts and technology; and for the health of senior citizens.
Breakfast Together: You Can Sit With Us
February 23rd
Enjoy a meal and get to know the many wonderful families who are involved with our religious education programs.
Service Leader: Rev Dave & DRE Era Capone
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Saturday Breakfast
Services in January 2025:
Living Love Through The Practice of: Story
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
Lay Chaplains Service- Milestones
January 5th
Milestones- In this first service of the new year we will both look back and prepare for the future while also acknowledging our sorrows and disappointments. We’ll honor Milestones from 2024 and participate in a ritual to launch the New Year with hope and love.
Service Leader: Lay Chaplains
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Alan Bell
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: UUCSR General Fund
The Power of Story
January 12th
We all have stories to tell and we listen to the stories that others tell. What is the danger of hearing only one story? What stories do we tell to others?
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Joe Gabaeff
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast with Our Neighbors
What Would Dr. King Do - NOW?
January 19th
January 20 is both MLK Day and Presidential Inauguration Day. We know that the days and months that follow will present us with momentous choices -- both as individuals and as a congregation. What are we willing to do and to sacrifice to uphold our values? And what can we learn from Rev. King right now? Rev. King didn’t shrink from injustice or adversity. He didn’t do the safe thing, he did the right thing. We'll look to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s unwavering commitment to justice and his deep courage to help us find our own strength to act in the times ahead.
Service Leader: Rev Bev
Worship Associates: Susan Thollaug
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Louise Bettner
Share the Basket: MLK Jr. Birthday Celebration Committee
What is the Story We Tell About UUCSR
January 26th
We will explore what the story is that we as members and friends of UUCSR tell others? How has our story changed? What do we want others to know about our story at UUCSR.
Service Leader: Rev Dave
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & Chior
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Undocufund / NBOP
Services in December 2024:
Living Love Through The Practice of: Presence
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
The Meaning of the Bells
December 1st
At this time of the year in many places around the world, people gather to listen to a "chorus of the bells". How does this tradition resonate and connect people with deeper meaning during the holidays? What experiences have we had with the sounds of bells in our lives? Can holiday bells, church bells, Buddhist bells reach us in our hyper-busy, hyper-visual, hyper-verbal world? Our chorus will sing a classic Ukrainian Carol of the Bells.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Susan Thollaug
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Friends of Wadi Faquin
Celebrations of the Season
December 8th
As Unitarian Universalists, we embrace the diversity of traditions that grace this time of year, recognizing the beauty in the tapestry of beliefs that weave us together. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or find solace in the quiet reflection of winter's embrace, our collective spirit radiates a message of love, compassion, and unity. As we embark on this journey through the holiday season, may our hearts be open to the shared humanity that unites us, and may the light of understanding guide us through these days of celebration and reflection. We invite you to join us as we share with you about these holiday beliefs.
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Louise Bettner
Share the Basket: Positive Images
Holiday Pageant - Stories from Stories
December 15th
The birth of Jesus, the triumph of the Maccabees, the longest night of the year. We all know the originating stories of winter holidays we celebrate, but what about the stories that came from those? Join us this Sunday as the kids of RE help us carry the holiday spirit and the light of perseverance stories from around the world.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Cathie Wise
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: TBD
The Basket: UUCSR General Fund
Winter Solstice: Spark of Life
December 22nd
Spark of Life - a solstice service presented by CUUPS, the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. Join us as we welcome back the light and share hopes and wishes for the coming year. We'll participate in a candle lighting ceremony and then adjourn to the courtyard for the burning of the Yule log.
Service Leader: CUUPs & Rev Dave
Worship Associates: Linda Lampson
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Saturday Breakfast
When Darkness Falls, the Light Shines Brighter
Tuesday December 24th
Potluck at 5:30pm
Service at 7:00pm
Why, when there is so much evidence to the contrary, do we hold fast to the belief that there is indeed Love in the world? To celebrate Christmas is to celebrate the Love that is born in us over and over again. To celebrate Christmas is to find Love in the simple birth of a child, in the poverty of a people, in the struggle to be free of oppression, in our quest to love and to BE love in the world.
Service Leader: Rev Bev
Worship Associates: Jonathan Choe
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Minister's Discretionary Fund
A Taize Service
December 29th
A contemplative service of song, meditation, and candle light to embrace the old year and welcome the year to come.
Service Leader: Judy Withee
Worship Associates: Gage Purdy
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Saturday Breakfast
Services in November 2024:
Living Love Through The Practice of: Repair
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
A Call to Conscience: The Spiritual Act of Voting- Where is a Higher Power in the Process?
November 3rd
As UU we are called upon to address the climate of division and fear that surround elections. Voting and civic involvement are a spiritual practice that can nurture a sense of community, accountability and commitment to the common good.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Sources of Our Faith Series: Harmony with the Earth: Lessons from Earth-Centered Traditions
November 10th
This Sunday, we invite you to join us in exploring the spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions that celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the earth. These traditions offer profound insights into our interconnectedness with all living beings and the natural world. Together, we will reflect on how these teachings can guide us in nurturing a deeper respect for the environment and a more sustainable way of life. Come and be inspired by the wisdom of Earth-centered spirituality as we seek to honor and protect the planet we call home.
Town Hall Meeting After the Service
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Louise Bettner
Share the Basket: Council on Aging
Letting go of our stories: Finding freedom beyond our narratives
November 17th
What stories do we tell ourselves about who we are, who others are, and how the world works? How do these stories shape, and sometimes limit, our lives. What stories do you need to let go of?
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Veronica Jordan
Music: John Ray
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: UUCSR General Fund
From Gratitude to Grateful Living
November 24th
Imagine being able to have gratitude that is unconditional and lasting. A Gratitude that does not depend on what happens, but comes from the inside out. "This is gratefulness - the 'great fullness' of life in all its moments of messiness and magnificence." (Kristi Nelson) Today we explore the work of Brother David Steindl-Rast and the transformative power of taking nothing for granted.
Service Leader: Judy Withee
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: UUA Disaster Relief Fund
Services in October 2024:
Living Love Through The Practice of: Deep Listening
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
Embracing the Mystery: Renewing Our Spirit
October 6th
Join us as we explore the profound impact of direct experiences with transcending mystery and wonder. These moments, affirmed in all cultures, open our hearts and minds to the forces that create and uphold life. Together, we'll reflect on how these experiences can renew our spirit, foster a sense of awe, and deepen our connection to the world around us. Let's celebrate the mystery and wonder that inspire us to live more fully and with greater openness to the beauty and complexity of existence.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Joe Gabaeff
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Paul Gilger
Share the Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Prophetic Voices: Confronting Injustice with Love
October 13th
We invite you to join us as we delve into the powerful words and deeds of prophetic individuals who challenge us to confront the powers and structures of evil in our world. Through their inspiring examples, we will explore how justice, compassion, and the transformative power of love can guide us in our own lives. Together, we'll reflect on the courage and vision needed to stand against injustice and to promote a more just and compassionate world.
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Cathie Wiese
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: F.I.S.H. – Friends in Service Here
The Connection Between Wisdom and Pluralism
October 20th
The connection between the wisdom found in world religions and the pluralism embraced by Unitarian Universalism is profound and multifaceted. Our service will explore some key points that highlight this relationship, such as shared values, spiritual growth and exploration, and human experience as a source of wisdom.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Jonathan Choe
Music: Alan Bell
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: UUCSR General Fund
How Do We Afford Real Homes?
October 27th
Let's overcome the anxiety of the impending election by really considering what we can do as a community to help more neighbors afford real homes in Sonoma County. Karym Sanchez of NBOP will deliver the message.
Service Leader: Karym Sanchez
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: North Bay Organizing Project (NBOP)
Services in September 2024:
Living Love Through The Practice of: Invitation
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
"Our Unitarian Roots"
September 1st
Join us this Sunday as we delve into the courageous story of how our Unitarian faith was forged in the fires of Reformation Europe. As we reconnect with our Transylvanian roots, we will reflect on the enduring legacy of these early Unitarians who championed the cause of spiritual liberty and progressive thought. Their unwavering commitment to dialogue and acceptance continues to inspire our faith community today.
Service Leader: Rev Dave and the travelers who went to see Unitarian historical sites
Worship Associates: Cathie Weise
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
September 8th
Welcome to our Annual Water Communion. This ceremony marks the beginning of our congregational year. As we pour our waters into a common vessel, we honor the contributions each of us brings to our community. May this ritual remind us of our shared responsibility to nurture our planet and each other. As the waters blend, so do our hopes, dreams, and intentions for the year ahead.
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: South Park Futbol Academy
"Celebrating 20 Years
September 15th
The 20th anniversary of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Rosa in its current building is a momentous occasion, filled with reflection, gratitude, and appreciation for all those who have contributed to its journey, including those who have passed away.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Linda Lampson
Music: Robert Howseman, Roger Corman
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: UUCSR General Fund
"The Sacred Art of Invitation"
September 22nd
In a world that often feels fragmented and divided, the practice of invitation holds transformative power. Join us this Sunday as we explore the sacred art of inviting – inviting others into our lives, our hearts, and our community. Rooted in the Unitarian Universalist principles of radical hospitality and inclusivity, we will delve into how intentional invitations can foster deeper connections, create welcoming spaces, and cultivate a sense of belonging. Come, be a part of this meaningful conversation and let's learn together how to invite more love, understanding, and unity into our world.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Ukraine TrustChain
"Music as Worship
September 29th
Together we will explore the power of music as worship at UUCSR. We’ll dive into the ways music connects us to our deepest emotions, enhances our spiritual practice, and brings our community together. Whether through singing hymns, learning a piece of music together, or the quiet resonance of a shared moment, music has the unique ability to transcend words and touch the soul. Come celebrate the sacred role that music plays in our lives and discover how it can deepen our connection to the divine, to one another, and to ourselves.
Service Leader: Rev Dave & Gage Purdy
Worship Associates: Jonathan Choe
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Louise Bettner
Share The Basket: Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation
Services in August 2024:
"Closer to the Heart: Authenticity, for its Own Sake"
August 4th
For some, passion for a favorite artist can become part of one's authentic expression. Rush, a band of many talents, and some controversies, inspires passion like few other bands in the hearts of their fans. Join us as we explore how their music and journey exemplify lessons of Authenticity hard-earned through living true to one's spirit and soul.
Service Leader: Joe Gabaeff
Worship Associates: Jonathan Choe
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
"Soul Matters Team"
August 11th
If you've been attending UUCSR services over the past few years, you have probably heard the term "Soul Matters". If you would like to take a deeper dive into what it is, where it came from, and how it has already impacted our services, come and find out! The "Soul Matters" committee will be offering their reflections on how it might be used to deepen our relationships with each other and bring more Soul into our community.
Service Leaders: Katie Treller
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: The Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
"Seven Last Words of the Unarmed"
August 18th
Experience a profound Unitarian Universalist service centered on Joel Thompson's "Seven Last Words of the Unarmed." Through poignant music and reflective readings, delve into themes of social justice, racial equality, and the sanctity of life. Join us in honoring the humanity of those lost to violence and advocating for change. (Potential Trigger Warning: Gun Violence & Police Brutality)
Blessing of the Backpacks!
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Gage Purdy
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Recorded Music
The Basket: Our Own Religious Education Program
"A Taste of Taize"
August 25th
Over the past year UUCSR has been offering our contemplative Taize service once a month. In today's service we will learn about the history and tradition of Taize and how it brings together our UU Sources, ancient and contemporary wisdom, music, chanting and meditation. It will be a time for listening deeply with our hearts in a place of tranquility and connection in the midst of our busy lives and hurting world.
Service Leader: Gage Purdy
Worship Associates: Judy Withee
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Peace & Justice Center
Unpacking Our Baggage:
A Journey of Self-Exploration
July 7th
In our UU congregation, we often pride ourselves on our openness, acceptance, and commitment to personal growth. Yet, we may find ourselves holding onto baggage that hinders our spiritual journey. What baggage are you carrying? Is it the weight of unspoken doubts, unresolved conflicts, or societal expectations?
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Cathie Weise
Music: Gage Purdy & Crystal McDougal Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Equity in Sonoma County
July 14th
Join us this Sunday as we delve into a profound discussion on equity in our beloved Sonoma County. In a world where disparities persist, we are called to reflect on our collective responsibility to cultivate a community where justice and fairness flourish for all. Together, we'll explore the complexities of equity, examining how privilege and systemic barriers impact our neighbors and ourselves.
Order of ServiceService Leaders: Gage Purdy
Worship Associates: Veronica Jordan
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Louise Bettner
Share The Basket: Planned Parenthood/Northern California
The Gospel According to Carl Sagan
July 21st
We cannot prove the existence of God, nor can we disprove it. The relationship between science and religion is much more nuanced than popularly believed.
Service Leader: Rev Bev Spears
Worship Associates: Judy Withee
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Religious Education Program
July 28th
Whether we anticipate the arrival of a new minister or the return of an old President, we all anticipate. What does it mean? How do we feel when we do it? How does it improve or hinder our wisest actions? Come explore with us. Anticipate a great service.
Service Leader: Mark Sowers
Worship Associates: Clare Whitfield Susan Thollaug
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Redbud Resources – Building bridges between Native and non-Native communities.
Embracing the Gift of Renewal: A message of Love and INclusion for the LGBTQ+ Community
June 2nd
Renewal is a beautiful and transformative process. It is a chance to let go of past hurts and misconceptions, to embrace growth and understanding, and to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and identity. For many LGBTQ+ individuals, the journey of renewal is deeply intertwined with their own personal journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
Congregational Meeting after the service (See More Info HERE)
If you are planning to attend the Congregational Meeting via Zoom, and there are two members on Zoom in your household, please plan to attend using two different electronic devices (phone and computer, or two computers) to ensure that each member in your household can vote. Thank you.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Interfaith Pride service at UUCSR
June 2nd- 7pm
UUCSR Santa Rosa 547 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa. Join NBOP's Religious Leaders Caucus (NBOP)-affiliated faith communities as we lift up the rights of LGBTQAI+ people, and join our voices to call for meaningful social change! Expect music, prayer, joy, and solidarity.
The Paradox of Pluralism
May 5th
The Paradox of Pluralism invites us to embrace our differences without compromising our convictions, to engage in meaningful dialogue without sacrificing our faith, and to navigate the complexities of our pluralistic world with humility, and love. As we journey together, may we find unity amidst diversity and strength in our shared humanity.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Susan Thollaug
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
The Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Pluralism
May 12th
As followers of faith, we are called to engage with the world around us, embracing diversity while remaining rooted in our convictions. This sermon will delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by pluralism, exploring how we can maintain our spiritual integrity amidst a sea of differing beliefs.
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Joe Gabaeff
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Humanidad Therapy and Education Services
Our Annual Flower Communion
May 19th
Join us for our Annual Flower Communion Service, a beloved tradition that embodies the essence of our Unitarian Universalist faith. In this special gathering, we come together to celebrate the beauty of diversity and the interconnectedness of all life. Each member of our community is invited to bring a flower, symbolizing their unique journey, experiences, and contributions. As we assemble, our diverse array of blooms becomes a vibrant tapestry of colors, shapes, and fragrances—a tangible representation of the rich tapestry of our congregation.
We will celebrate after the service by having a potluck meal together.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Jonathan Choe
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
The Basket: Our Own Religious Education Program
May 26th
Reading "Caste":
Join us as we explore Isabel Wilkerson's understanding of American racism as an intentional and pernicious caste system of the West. Hear from some of the more than 40 UUCSR members who have discussed her book in our reading groups. And consider our next steps as we journey toward spiritual wholeness and accountably dismantle racism in ourselves and our institutions.
Service Leader: Members from the various Caste reading groups
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Sally Jones, Crystal McDougall Purdy, Jen Freese
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Ceres Community Project
Save the Date!
Interfaith Pride service at UUCSR
June 2nd
UUCSR Santa Rosa 547 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa. Join NBOP's Religious Leaders Caucus (NBOP)-affiliated faith communities as we lift up the rights of LGBTQAI+ people, and join our voices to call for meaningful social change! Expect music, prayer, joy, and solidarity.
Interdependence: Exploring the Heart of Unitarian Universalism
April 7th
In a world that often emphasizes differences, Unitarian Universalism celebrates unity in diversity, embracing a belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. "Interdependence," is the heart of Unitarian Universalism. Our faith invites all to ponder the interconnection of humanity, nature, and the cosmos. We invite you to join with us in exploring the spiritual landscape that Unitarian Universalism cultivates.
Special Congregational Meeting after the service
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Judy Withee
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Transforming Conflict: The Blessings of Congregational Turmoil
April 14th
Conflict is endemic to congregational life. Because congregations exist to help us find meaning and purpose, we find it difficult to realize that not everyone shares our understanding or approach. Many of us have cultural backgrounds that teach us that conflict is bad or to be avoided. Conflict Transformation, on the other hand, treats conflict as an opportunity to learn and grow, both individually, and institutionally. The sermon will offer concrete strategies for personal growth and healthy congregational functioning in dealing with conflict.
Guest Minister Terasa Cooley: A Unitarian Universalist Minister and a former Director of Unitarian Universalist Congregational life. Her beliefs: I am a believer in personal awareness, conscious community, and values-based activism. I prefer to speak and think in terms of “and” rather than “or.” My lifelong passion has been to help individuals grow in their compassion, self-insight, and courage to lead; and to help congregations and organizations unite around a common mission to do good in the world. I believe healthy conflict leads to growth, and healthy covenants build vibrant communities.
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements & Guest Rev Terasa Cooley
Worship Associates: Richard Senghas
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Shelterwood Collective
The Lessons of Passover
April 21st
Join us on this special occasion to reflect, connect, and celebrate the profound teachings of Passover, embracing the spirit of unity and understanding. Let us appreciate the richness of this tradition as we explore the intersections and find strength in our shared commitment to build a more just and compassionate world.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Clare Whitfield
Music: John Ray
Pianist: Paul Gilger
The Basket: Our Own Religious Education Program
Interconnectedness is Simply not Enough
April 28th
Central to our identity as Unitarian Universalists is the understanding that all life exists in an interconnected web. How is it that our sense of "interconnectedness" has led us to collectively do precious little to stop oppression, racism, perpetual war, and continued destruction of our planet? How is it that we can so easily divorce ourselves from the pain and plight of others? What are we getting wrong?
Service Leader: Rev Bev Spears
Worship Associates: Veronica Jordan
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Community Action Partnership
From Seed to Blossom: Cultivating Personal Growth in Our Unitarian Faith
March 3rd
Just as a gardener tends to the soil and planting, we too engage in practices that enrich our spiritual soil. Through reflection, meditation and our UU Principles we can create a fertile ground for personal transformation. Each individual is a unique seed, and our faith serves as the catalyst for growth
*Multi-Gen Service
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Linda Lampson & Bruce Hope
Music: Alan Bell & Crystal McDougall Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Radical Transformation In our UU Faith
March 10th
Unitarian Universalism is a faith that celebrates diversity, encourages questioning, and embraces the journey of self-discovery. In our upcoming gathering, we will explore the concept of radical transformation within the context of our UU principles.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Jonathan Choe
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Miracle League North Bay, dedicated to providing individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate in an organized baseball league.
Becoming Whole: Navigating the Path of Spiritual Transformation
March 17th
Whether you're just starting on your spiritual journey or have been walking the path for years, this service aims to inspire and guide you on your quest for spiritual wholeness. We will discuss the importance of self-reflection, mindfulness and embracing the transformative power of faith.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Cathie Wiese
Music: Sally Jones, Robert Howseman
Pianist: Louise Bettner
The Basket: Our Own Religious Education Program
Songs Of The (Yet!) Living Earth
March 24th
Let's take a cue from the wild and tenacious beauty of the natural world, and reconnect this morning with our own journeys in life. How can the resiliency of the living earth inspire us and refresh our perspectives on what is yet possible in our lives? Have you heard of compost theology? Let's explore how we "compost" ideas, ways of being, and practices that do not serve us and reformulate lives of meaning, joy, connection and authenticity. Rev. Dara is delighted to return to UUCSR as a guest minister today!
Service Leader Guest: Rev Dara Olandt
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Alan Bell & Crystal McDougall Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy (LECS)
Resurrection of Hope: A Liberal Unitarian Celebration on Easter Sunday
March 31st
Resurrection of Hope. In a world filled with challenges, uncertainties, and ever-changing landscapes, Easter holds a unique resonance in our UU community. Join us as we embrace the spirit of Easter. Together, let us affirm the resurrection of hope, the face of adversity, and the power to cultivate a brighter future for ourselves and our interconnected world.
*Multi-Generational Service
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Boys and Girls Club. Vision is to end poverty and serve our community’s most deserving residents-our youth!
Services in February: "The Gift of Justice & Equity"
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am PST in-person and via Zoom
Building Bridges of Justice and Equity: Navigating the Path to a More Inclusive Tomorrow
February 4th
As we gather today, let us reflect upon the concept of building bridges of justice and equity. In a world often marked by division and disparity, navigating the path to a more inclusive tomorrow requires intentional efforts to understand the experiences of those who have been marginalized and oppressed.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Sally Jones & Robert Howseman
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Courageous Compassion: Embracing Justice for the Marginalized
February 11th
Courageous compassion requires us to cultivate a well of empathy, to listen intently to the stories of the marginalized and to let their voices shape our understanding. It beckons us to confront our biases, dismantle systems of oppression and engage in the difficult work of reimagining a society where equity and justice are not just lofty ideas but lived realities.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Clare Whitfield & Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Young Religious UUs of the Pacific (YRUUP)
Justice, Equity, and Compassion in Human Relations
February 18th
Compassion is a choice. Whether it is expressed as a knowing smile, a gift of money, or providing resources to one or many, compassion is the glue that holds civilizations together. It also defines civilizations and societies. When societies fail, showing compassion can sometimes be a brave act. Many believe we are entering an era that they describe as a dark age when political and social contracts unravel. Compassion is one of the first casualties of such eras, but it is one of the foundational principles we UUs are called to uphold. We dare not fail in this essential purpose.
Rev. Clovice Lewis is a cellist, composer, entrepreneur, computer technologist, and inventor who lives in Northern California. Clovice was ordained as a UU minister in 2022. His ministry emphasizes the dismantling of racial, class, and ethnic barriers, using music to counter oppression. Read more at his website: https://www.clovicelewis.com
Worship Leader/Guest: Rev. Clovice Lewis
Worship Associate: Susan Thollaug
Music: Gage Purdy & Rev Clovice Lewis
Pianist: Gage Purdy
The Basket is highlighting : Our Own Religious Education
Harmony In Diversity: Building a foundation of Equity in our Liberal Community
February 25th
The beauty of our congregation lies in our diversity. Each of us brings a different melody to our shared existence. Equity is the bridge that connects us, allowing each member to walk alongside the other with a sense of shared humanity.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Joe Gabaeff
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County (4C's)
Annual Milestones Service by the Lay Chaplains
January 7th
In this first service of the new year we will both look back and prepare for the future. We'll celebrate milestones from 2023 and participate in a ritual to launch the New Year with hope and creativity.
Service Leader: Lay Chaplains
Worship Associates: Linda Lampson
Music: Alan Bell
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Building the Beloved Community:
Embracing the legacy of MLK
January 14th
We gather inspired by the legacy of Dr. King, a visionary whose dream transcends time. In the spirit of unity and love I invite you to open your hearts to the wisdom of his teachings. May this service be a time of reflection, inspiration to building the Beloved Community in our own lives and in the world around us.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Jonathan Choe
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration
Roots and Branches: Celebrating the Rich History of UUCSR'S Journey
January 21st
We invite you to embark on a journey through time - a journey that traces the roots and witnesses the growth of UUCSR. As we celebrate our rich history let us reflect on the deep roots that anchor us and the branches that reach toward a future filled with hope and possibility.
Worship Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Cathie Wiese
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Paul Gilger
The Basket is highlighting : Our Own Religious Education
Image created by A.I. -
Love Unveiled: The Ever-Evolving Tapestry of Affection
January 28th
Welcome to the exploration of "Love Unveiled: The Ever-Evolving Tapestry of Affection." As we stand on the precipice of understanding, let us open our hearts to the revelation that love, in all its beauty and complexity, is a dynamic force. It morphs and transforms, revealing new dimensions as we navigate the various stages of our lives. Just as a skilled artist crafts a masterpiece with diverse colors and textures, so does love decorate the canvas of our existence with numerous shades.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Richard J. Senghas
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Social Advocates for Youth (SAY)
Festival of Lights: The Various Celebrations of the Season
December 3rd
As Unitarian Universalists, we embrace the diversity of traditions that grace this time of year, recognizing the beauty in the tapestry of beliefs that weave us together. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or find solace in the quiet reflection of winter's embrace, our collective spirit radiates a message of love, compassion, and unity. As we embark on this journey through the holiday season, may our hearts be open to the shared humanity that unites us, and may the light of understanding guide us through these days of celebration and reflection. We invite you to join us as we share with you about these holiday beliefs.
Stay for the Cake Auction!
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & Ron Hennessey
Pianist: Louise Bettner
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Embracing the Mystery and Joy: A Spiritual Exploration of the Holiday Season
December 10th
The holiday season unfolds as a rich mosaic of mystery and joy. Let's approach this season with open hearts and minds, celebrating the diversity of beliefs and practices that are woven together in our community. You are invited to embark on a spiritual exploration, delving into the mystery that surrounds this time of year, and to discover the joy that lies within it.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Susan Thollaug & Joe Gabaeff
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: World Central Kitchen
Stories of Light & Magic
December 17th
Come join us for our annual children's holiday celebration! During these cold and rainy months, there always seems to be a bit of extra magic in the air. Where does this magic come from, and what does it mean? This Sunday, we turn to stories, hearing and telling them together as we explore what makes this time of year so special.
Worship Leader: Era Capone
Worship Associate: Cathie Wiese
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket is highlighting : Our Own Religious Education
Winter Solstice
6:30PM Service & 5:30PM Potluck
December 22nd
Since ancient time people all over the world have recognized the important astronomical
occurrence called Winter Solstice. Earliest humans must have watched with fear, the apparent death of the light and the danger that meant. But from that fear, in the darkest hour, came hope. Please join CUUPS as we welcome Yule’s return of light with story, song, ritual and meditation. Join us for this special evening to honor the darkest night and find our way back to hope for our future. Potluck dinner before the service, desserts after.
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements & CUUPs
Music: Crystal McDougall-Purdy & Mark Green
Intimate Christmas Celebration: Embracing Joy and Inclusion
December 24th 10:30 AM Service
Join us for a heartwarming and inclusive Christmas Eve Day service led by me, your Interim Minister. The service will be an intimate affair, fostering a sense of connection and warmth as we reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Whether you've been part of our congregation for years or are joining us for the first time, all are welcome to share in the joy of this special Christmas Eve Day gathering. Come as you are, and let's celebrate the season together with love, understanding, and a commitment to building a more inclusive community. No RE on Christmas Eve.
(Please note: there is also a PM service)
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Share the Basket: The Minister's Discretionary Fund
Holding the Light: A Christmas Eve Expression of Hope, Unity, and Shared Blessings.
December 24th
Evening Service~ 5pm Potluck ~ 6:30pm Service
On Christmas Eve, we gather to celebrate the birth and tonight to celebrate the common threads that weave us into the fabric of humanity. Christmas is more than a Season, its a invitation to embrace the light within and around us. I invite you to embrace tonight not just the glow of festive decorations but to be open to the light of understanding, compassion and love that transcends boundaries. It is that light that guides us through the darkness, reminding us that even in the most challenging times, we are not alone..
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Veronica Jordan
Music: Gage Purdy & the Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Minister's Discretionary Fund